PIXIE RIVER STUDIO, Graphic Design, 2017 - 2022 present
Self-employed graphic designer
Pixie River Studio provides unique bespoke graphic design services
Pixie River Studio provides unique bespoke graphic design services
Employed by Arthur Wallace, contracted to: Kebbell Daish Architects and Mark Ritchie Architects in Wellington for architectural services. Services included working on drawings for several stages of national and international projects, including feasibility and developed design, reviewing red line drawings, interior design, detailing, presentations for feasibility reports, resource consent application documents, product research and information gathering.
TEVERETERNO is a multidisciplinary contemporary art project directed by American artist Kristin Jones, situated in the heart of Rome. The ultimate goals of TEVERETERNO are to establish a ‘River Piazza’ and contribute to the revitalisation of the Tiber River. I was employed for 7 months, along with Dylan Hazlehurst, to work in collaboration with Kristin to design, organise and present the first event “Solstizio d’Estate” by TEVERETERNO on the Tiber River. “Solstizio d’Estate” was a trilogy of events, performed on a section of the Tiber River between Ponte Sisto and Ponte Mazzini on the night of the summer solstice:
While in Rome I worked on other projects by Kristin, including: “Gravity” Pantheon Rome.
- She-Shadows: A procession of 12 historical Roman wolves (eight meters tall) cleaned onto the travertine walls
- Illumination: 2758 candles (the mythological age of Rome) defining the pathways of the future River Piazza
- The Original Sound: An international choir intoning Tibetan-style vocals to the amplified sound of the river
- 7 months assisting with planning, organising, testing, fundraising and creating the event
- largely involved in designing, testing and implementing the installation of the She-Shadows
- amongst other funding, helped to secure a donation for acquisition of the 2758 candles and design their installation
- Involved in all aspects of the “Solstizio d’Estate” project including: planning, feasibility and cost analysis
- All graphic design for advertising and promotional material
While in Rome I worked on other projects by Kristin, including: “Gravity” Pantheon Rome.
A luminous cone of fine elastic rays descends from the oculus and comes to a single point held by bronze plummet that marks the centre of gravity of the architectural heaven. The form is ethereal and dramatizes the simple power of geometry and light. The orientation and rotation of the sun’s spiral within the volume of the Pantheon is made evident by the delicate radiant web. The concept is to visualise the light to make tangible its direct path to earth. The proposed work is a celebration of the City of Rome, of Light and Time.
Responsibilities: Testing the material stress of elastic rays; installation composition, scale model making, and graphic design for promotional material.
Responsibilities: Testing the material stress of elastic rays; installation composition, scale model making, and graphic design for promotional material.
RESEARCH ASSISTANT/FELLOW at Victoria University School of Design, 2000-2004
Lecturer: Sam Kebbell, VUW SOAD
Duration: 10 -17 November 2004
Research towards a paper presenting the opportunities that have emerged for interiors in the land of the great outdoors, since the now historic New Zealand bach has been supplanted by its grandiose successor: the super-bach. Field research involved analysis and mapping of ‘Castlepoint campground’.
Lecturer: Lee Gibson and Daniel Brown, VUW SOAD
Duration: 17 November – 1 December 2004
A research paper on international and national renewable energy sources, and their potential to drive landmark architecture and design.
Lecturer: Daniel Brown, VUW SOAD
Duration: 2 December 2002 - 28 February 2003
Lecturer: Daniel Brown, VUW SOAD
Duration: Summer 2001-02, 204 hours
Lecturer: Catherine Allington, VUW SOAD
Duration: January-March 2002, 122hours
Created a database of periodical articles of well-known Landscape Architects from journals held in the VUW School of Design collection. The database was to aid the implementation of the first professional year of Landscape Architecture at the School of Design
Lecturer: Russell Lowe, VUW SOAD
Duration: Summer 2000-2001, 3 weeks
Lecturer: Sam Kebbell, VUW SOAD
Duration: 10 -17 November 2004
Research towards a paper presenting the opportunities that have emerged for interiors in the land of the great outdoors, since the now historic New Zealand bach has been supplanted by its grandiose successor: the super-bach. Field research involved analysis and mapping of ‘Castlepoint campground’.
Lecturer: Lee Gibson and Daniel Brown, VUW SOAD
Duration: 17 November – 1 December 2004
A research paper on international and national renewable energy sources, and their potential to drive landmark architecture and design.
Lecturer: Daniel Brown, VUW SOAD
Duration: 2 December 2002 - 28 February 2003
- The cycles used in creating the form of the The Imago Mundi (Mandala) were cut into wax using a 3D router taken directly from CAD drawing files, in preparation for lost wax bronze casting
- Assisted with designing the landscape base for the 100 “Decameron” models using the programme ‘Solidworks5’.
- Assisted with designing the first 3 architecture models, inspired by industrial design objects as a generator for creating architectural form.
- Using ‘Solidworks’ as the design tool.
Lecturer: Daniel Brown, VUW SOAD
Duration: Summer 2001-02, 204 hours
- Within Boccaccio’s “The Decameron”, helped to identify allegory references, especially those relating to the seven women, the three men, the site, the times, and the contextual conditions.
- Aided in establishing the relevant descriptions/identities for ten personae and ten narrative themes that will ultimately establish the 10 themes of the design project.
- Scale model making
Lecturer: Catherine Allington, VUW SOAD
Duration: January-March 2002, 122hours
Created a database of periodical articles of well-known Landscape Architects from journals held in the VUW School of Design collection. The database was to aid the implementation of the first professional year of Landscape Architecture at the School of Design
Lecturer: Russell Lowe, VUW SOAD
Duration: Summer 2000-2001, 3 weeks
- Investigate the potential of the programme as a drawing and modelling tool for interior architecture
- challenging its traditional role as a modelling tool for smaller scale Industrial Design
- Researching issues relevant to the project
“INTERMEZZO”, Birth of Rome Celebrations, 21 APRIL 2009
Michelangelo‘s Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitoline Hill, Rome, Italy
Media: Digital Animation
Michelangelo‘s Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitoline Hill, Rome, Italy
Media: Digital Animation
In collaboration with Daniel Brown and Tevereterno (Kristin Jones, Artistic Director) Music by Walter Branchi.
INTERMEZZO was presented as one of the evening events to celebrate Rome’s 2762nd birthday. It was exhibited on the façade of Michelangelo’s Palazzo dei Conservatori on the Campidoglio (Capitoline Hill) above Rome’s ancient forum.
INTERMEZZO represents the briefest interval within the pattern of a larger work. For the She-Wolf, this interval is that moment at sunset when the last rays of the setting sun touch the cool light of the awakening moon, recalling the ancient Roman She-Wolf from her slumbers for one brief instant. INTERMEZZO represents the She-Wolf awakened by the transforming light of day and night, resuming her form through the qualities of light and shadow cast simultaneously by the setting sun and the rising moon.
The shadow wolf comes alive upon the surface of the Palazzo dei Conservatori on the mythological night of Rome’s birth. She casts her silhouette upon the site, transforming it, and claiming it as her own once more. Produced with the support of the Candy Jernigan Foundation for the Arts, Inc., the Embassy of the United States in Rome, and the David Bermant Foundation Color, Light, Motion.
Animation Assistants: Johann Nortje and James Shaw
INTERMEZZO was presented as one of the evening events to celebrate Rome’s 2762nd birthday. It was exhibited on the façade of Michelangelo’s Palazzo dei Conservatori on the Campidoglio (Capitoline Hill) above Rome’s ancient forum.
INTERMEZZO represents the briefest interval within the pattern of a larger work. For the She-Wolf, this interval is that moment at sunset when the last rays of the setting sun touch the cool light of the awakening moon, recalling the ancient Roman She-Wolf from her slumbers for one brief instant. INTERMEZZO represents the She-Wolf awakened by the transforming light of day and night, resuming her form through the qualities of light and shadow cast simultaneously by the setting sun and the rising moon.
The shadow wolf comes alive upon the surface of the Palazzo dei Conservatori on the mythological night of Rome’s birth. She casts her silhouette upon the site, transforming it, and claiming it as her own once more. Produced with the support of the Candy Jernigan Foundation for the Arts, Inc., the Embassy of the United States in Rome, and the David Bermant Foundation Color, Light, Motion.
Animation Assistants: Johann Nortje and James Shaw
“She Wolves from the Tiber to the Hudson; Wolf Arias” - “New York River to River Festival”
USA: New York Battery Park, outdoors at Castle Clinton National Monument; Opening launch of 2008 River to River Festival (the USA’s largest free summer-long arts festival).
Media: Digital Animation; Exhibition/installation
“She Wolves from the Tiber to the Hudson; Wolf Arias” - “New York River to River Festival”
USA: New York Battery Park, outdoors at Castle Clinton National Monument; Opening launch of 2008 River to River Festival (the USA’s largest free summer-long arts festival).
Media: Digital Animation; Exhibition/installation
Invited world premier multimedia installation commissioned by the 2008 New York River to River Festival (annual 28 May – 15 Sept) for its opening launch on 29 May, consisting of 4 digital animations (‘arias’) by Brown and Kruger projected outdoors onto the stone walls of Castle Clinton in New York’s Battery Park using 2 simultaneous projectors; original music was by Italian composer Walter Branchi.
In the second of three immersive events, the composition “Four Arias at the drawing of the Light” by Branchi and “Four Arias at the Edge of Darkness” by Brown and Kruger coalesce in the “Garden of Hope’ at Castle Clinton National Monuments. Brown and Kruger link image with sound by working directly form Branchi’s composition in their animations “Four Arias at the Edge of Darkness”, created expressly to ‘awaken the spirit of the She-wolf” in a fusion of water, sound and light.
In the second of three immersive events, the composition “Four Arias at the drawing of the Light” by Branchi and “Four Arias at the Edge of Darkness” by Brown and Kruger coalesce in the “Garden of Hope’ at Castle Clinton National Monuments. Brown and Kruger link image with sound by working directly form Branchi’s composition in their animations “Four Arias at the Edge of Darkness”, created expressly to ‘awaken the spirit of the She-wolf” in a fusion of water, sound and light.
ROME, TEVERETERNO Midsummer’s Eve Arts Festival “Ombre dal Lupercale - Shadows from the Realm of Wolves”.
Media: Digital Animation, Exhibition/Installation
ROME, TEVERETERNO Midsummer’s Eve Arts Festival “Ombre dal Lupercale - Shadows from the Realm of Wolves”.
Media: Digital Animation, Exhibition/Installation
The intent of this Midsummer’s Eve Arts Festival in Rome was to expose new audiences to large-scale contemporary art in public spaces, and to celebrate the founding of Rome. For the 2006 festival, six international composers were paired with six international artists, to bring the She-wolf to life on the 12m high embankment walls of the Tiber River.
I was selected along with VUW Associate Professor Daniel K. Brown as international artists for the 2006 festival, to conceive and present the finale of the Festival at sunrise. Our projected animations entitled “Four Arias” were paired with four instrumental compositions by Italian composer Walter Branchi.
The animations (8m high) were projected simultaneously (through six projectors) along the half kilometre Tiber embankment wall where a frieze of silent shadow silhouettes from the 2005 event remained. The “Four Arias” integrated four elements of nature – Earth (Tiber embankment walls), Air (moon), Water (Fountains of Rome), Fire (sunrise) – to send the awakened spirit of the She-Wolf back to sleep at the coming of dawn. The all-night programme of events, entitled ‘Ombre dal Lupercale’ (“Shadows from the Realm of Wolves”) was attended by over 10,000 people.
Press Releases and Publications of the Event
The She-Wolf descends upon the Tiber River and transforms itself into video art. Filippi, Maria Grazia. “La lupa scende sul Tevere e si trasforma in videoarte,” Il Messagero (Wednesday 21 June 2006) p42.
On the Tiber River Piazza from sunset to sunrise with the dance of the she-wolf. “A Piazza Tevere del tramonto all’alba con la danza della lupa,” Il Tempo (Wednesday 21 June 2006) p43 Spettacoli a Roma.
Tiber River, night of the wolves video and music until sunrise. Bucci, Carlo Alberto. “Tevere, notte ‘da lupi’ video e note fino all’alba,” La Repubblica (Wednesday 21 June 2006) pXVII Enotte.
Light and shadow to bring life to the banks of the [Tiber] River finishes at 5am in the morning. Brogi, Paolo. “Luci e ombre per far vivere le banchine del fiume fino alle cinzue del mattino,” L’Unità Roma (Wednesday 21 June 2006) pIV Stasera in Città.
Tiber River performance for the summer solstice. The wolves at the Sisto Bridge: art returns to the river. “Le lupe a Ponte Sisto: l’arte torna sul fiume,” Corriere della Sera (Wednesday 21 June 2006) p9 Tempo Libero.
On the river in the company of wolves. Entitled “shadows from the realm of wolves” the event which consumes this evening is located between the Garibaldi [sic] and Mazzini bridges. Vedovotto, Sabrina. “Sul fiume in compagnia dell lupe,” il Giornale (Wednesday 21 June 2006) Year XXXIII, Number 145. p48 Roma Cronaca.
‘The Eternal Tiber’, a solstice in Rome; Un progetto dell’artista Kristin Jones, 22/06/2005 18:26, http://www.studiocataldi.it/news_adn_asp/news_adn_14459.asp
Fiesta Europa Della Musica, Roma 21 Guigno, Comune di Roma – Assenssorato Politiche Cultrali Dipartmento Cultrale Uffico Spettacolo, 2006.
“Four Arias” for Ombre Dal Lupercale (Shadows from the Realm of Wolves), Victoria University Faculty of Architecture and Design Prospectus, 2007.
I was selected along with VUW Associate Professor Daniel K. Brown as international artists for the 2006 festival, to conceive and present the finale of the Festival at sunrise. Our projected animations entitled “Four Arias” were paired with four instrumental compositions by Italian composer Walter Branchi.
The animations (8m high) were projected simultaneously (through six projectors) along the half kilometre Tiber embankment wall where a frieze of silent shadow silhouettes from the 2005 event remained. The “Four Arias” integrated four elements of nature – Earth (Tiber embankment walls), Air (moon), Water (Fountains of Rome), Fire (sunrise) – to send the awakened spirit of the She-Wolf back to sleep at the coming of dawn. The all-night programme of events, entitled ‘Ombre dal Lupercale’ (“Shadows from the Realm of Wolves”) was attended by over 10,000 people.
Press Releases and Publications of the Event
The She-Wolf descends upon the Tiber River and transforms itself into video art. Filippi, Maria Grazia. “La lupa scende sul Tevere e si trasforma in videoarte,” Il Messagero (Wednesday 21 June 2006) p42.
On the Tiber River Piazza from sunset to sunrise with the dance of the she-wolf. “A Piazza Tevere del tramonto all’alba con la danza della lupa,” Il Tempo (Wednesday 21 June 2006) p43 Spettacoli a Roma.
Tiber River, night of the wolves video and music until sunrise. Bucci, Carlo Alberto. “Tevere, notte ‘da lupi’ video e note fino all’alba,” La Repubblica (Wednesday 21 June 2006) pXVII Enotte.
Light and shadow to bring life to the banks of the [Tiber] River finishes at 5am in the morning. Brogi, Paolo. “Luci e ombre per far vivere le banchine del fiume fino alle cinzue del mattino,” L’Unità Roma (Wednesday 21 June 2006) pIV Stasera in Città.
Tiber River performance for the summer solstice. The wolves at the Sisto Bridge: art returns to the river. “Le lupe a Ponte Sisto: l’arte torna sul fiume,” Corriere della Sera (Wednesday 21 June 2006) p9 Tempo Libero.
On the river in the company of wolves. Entitled “shadows from the realm of wolves” the event which consumes this evening is located between the Garibaldi [sic] and Mazzini bridges. Vedovotto, Sabrina. “Sul fiume in compagnia dell lupe,” il Giornale (Wednesday 21 June 2006) Year XXXIII, Number 145. p48 Roma Cronaca.
‘The Eternal Tiber’, a solstice in Rome; Un progetto dell’artista Kristin Jones, 22/06/2005 18:26, http://www.studiocataldi.it/news_adn_asp/news_adn_14459.asp
Fiesta Europa Della Musica, Roma 21 Guigno, Comune di Roma – Assenssorato Politiche Cultrali Dipartmento Cultrale Uffico Spettacolo, 2006.
“Four Arias” for Ombre Dal Lupercale (Shadows from the Realm of Wolves), Victoria University Faculty of Architecture and Design Prospectus, 2007.
Rome, Italy; Summer Solstice: She Shadows
Media: Reverse Graffiti, Exhibition/Installation
Rome, Italy; Summer Solstice: She Shadows
Media: Reverse Graffiti, Exhibition/Installation
The aim of the Tevereterno “Solstizio D’Estate: Ombre Dal Lupercale” project was to raise awareness of the need to revitalise the polluted Tiber river and reclaim it as a public space; to encourage multidisciplinary artists and designers to participate in promoting this awareness. The half kilometre long installation on the Tiber River was initiated by American installation artist Kristin Jones, in collaboration with myself, Dylan Hazlehurst, and Associate Professor Daniel K. Brown.
Twelve 8m high She-wolf shadows were revealed in June 2005 upon the stone walls of the Tiber River by cleansing the patina of time from the 12m high embankment walls. On the evening of the summer solstice, 2758 candles were lit along the banks of the Tiber, symbolising the number of years since the founding of Rome. The candles illuminated the exposed She-wolf shadows, while also representing the awakened spirit of the She-wolf.
Press Releases and Publications of the Event
“La Festa dell’Estate. L’Ombre della Lupa sulle sponde del Tevere” Il Messaggero Chronaca di Roma (22 Guigno 2005) p36.
Seabrook, John “Rome Postcard: Down by the River” The New Yorker (July 4, 2005) pg33.
“Tevere: dal Tranonto Arte e Musica sulle rive del Fume” Roma Turismo, 21/06/2005
“Rome’s Tiber River Draws Crowd Once Again” by Sylvia Poggiolo, NPR, 21/06/2005
“Tevereterno’ un Solstizio Americano a Rome” Studio Cataldi: Portaledi Informazione Giurdica, 22/06/2005
“Solstizio: Ance a Roma so Colgono Segni de Risveglio..Nel Soldtizio D’Estate” by Kern, CelticWorld, 27/06/2005
Twelve 8m high She-wolf shadows were revealed in June 2005 upon the stone walls of the Tiber River by cleansing the patina of time from the 12m high embankment walls. On the evening of the summer solstice, 2758 candles were lit along the banks of the Tiber, symbolising the number of years since the founding of Rome. The candles illuminated the exposed She-wolf shadows, while also representing the awakened spirit of the She-wolf.
Press Releases and Publications of the Event
“La Festa dell’Estate. L’Ombre della Lupa sulle sponde del Tevere” Il Messaggero Chronaca di Roma (22 Guigno 2005) p36.
Seabrook, John “Rome Postcard: Down by the River” The New Yorker (July 4, 2005) pg33.
“Tevere: dal Tranonto Arte e Musica sulle rive del Fume” Roma Turismo, 21/06/2005
“Rome’s Tiber River Draws Crowd Once Again” by Sylvia Poggiolo, NPR, 21/06/2005
“Tevereterno’ un Solstizio Americano a Rome” Studio Cataldi: Portaledi Informazione Giurdica, 22/06/2005
“Solstizio: Ance a Roma so Colgono Segni de Risveglio..Nel Soldtizio D’Estate” by Kern, CelticWorld, 27/06/2005
The Learning Connexion School of Art and Creativity, 2022
Towards: DIPLOMA IN CREATIVE ARTS, Massey University College of Creative Arts, 2021
Studio I (Art Lab) P 100% (P/F due to Covid)
Studio I (Art Place) A+ 95%
Painting A+ 95%
Printmaking A+ 92%
Studio I (Art Place) A+ 95%
Painting A+ 95%
Printmaking A+ 92%
MASTER OF DESIGN, DISTINCTION A+, Victoria University of Wellington more info
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Design, 1998 -2001
ADDITIONAL STUDY, Canterbury University
two years of liberal arts, 1991 –1992
DIVE INTO PRINT with Basia Smolnicki, drypoint | monoprint | collagraph | woodcut | embossing, The Learning Connexion, 2017
GRAPHIC DESIGN TRAINING Package, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Yoobee School of Design, 2015
POTTERY With ceramic artist Tatyanna Meharry, Risingholme Pottery, 2014
LEADLIGHTING, Trinity Glass, Christchurch, 2013
GRAPHIC DESIGN TRAINING Package, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Yoobee School of Design, 2015
POTTERY With ceramic artist Tatyanna Meharry, Risingholme Pottery, 2014
LEADLIGHTING, Trinity Glass, Christchurch, 2013
- "Hutt Art Portrait Group and Other Invited Painters", Group exhibition, 29th August - 10th September 2023, Hutt Art Centre, 9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt.
- “Annual Extravaganza Exhibition", 9th - 27th August 2023, Hutt Art Centre 9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt.
- "The Not the Muriel Hopper Awards", Group exhibition, Odlin Gallery, 25th July - 6th Aug 2023, Hutt Art Centre 9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt.
- "The Murial Hopper Art Awards", (Finalist), Hutt Art Centre, Lower Hutt, 24th June - 9th July 2023, 9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt.
- “Ko au ko koe, ko koe ko au; I am you, You are me” group exhibition with Louisa Chase, Darnia Hobson, Jo Kemp-Baker, Wairere Pene, Shane Te Mutu Rikihana; [TLC] Gallery, 08 - 11th December 2022, 182 Eastern Hutt Road, Taitā, Lower Hutt.
- Parkin Drawing Prize (Finalist), New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Wellington, 2 August - 11 September 2022.
- "Like a Bird" group exhibition with Emma Hercus, [TLC] Gallery, 14 - 15th March 2022, 182 Eastern Hutt Road, Taitā, Lower Hutt.
- "The House that Ate Itself and Other Stories from the Fireplace" + "Dogs Body", solo exhibition [TLC] Gallery, 14-15th March 2022, 182 Eastern Hutt Road, Taitā, Lower Hutt.
- “Four Arias” for Ombre Dal Lupercale (Shadows from the Realm of Wolves), Victoria University Faculty of Architecture and Design Prospectus, 2007.
- “Four Arias” for Ombre Dal Lupercale (Shadows from the Realm of Wolves), in collaboration with Daniel K. Brown. Midsummer’s Eve Arts Festival; Banks of the Tiber River, Rome, June 21st-22nd 2006.
- The Black Box Master of Design Thesis, VUW Graduate Year Book 2006, pg21.
- TEVERETERNO “Solstizio d’Estate”, in collaboration with Kristin Jones, Dylan Hazlehurst, Daniel Brown. Banks of the Tiber River, Rome, June 21st-22nd 2005.
- “The Black Box” Drawings Exhibition; Media Lab South Pacific, Level 2, Lexis Nexis House, 205-207 Victoria Street, Wellington, New Zealand; (October-December 2004).
- Logo design and credit mention, Wellington Architecture Week (WAW) Catalogue; October 2004.
- Victoria University Faculty of Architecture and Design Prospectus 2005, pg 69, 71.
- PRODESIGN, Design Educators 2005, Auckland, New Zealand, August/ September (2004), pg96.
- Exhibition of design work “The Black Box” at “Think, End of Year Exhibition” Victoria University School of Architecture and Design, Wellington, NZ, 2003.
- Kruger, Erika; Larkin, Tim, Cover Story: School of Design, ANZAAE Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators, Wellington, New Zealand. Volume13 (1), (2003), cover and pg 8-9.
- Exhibition: “A House for Durer”, Kulturgeschichtliches Museum, Osnabrueck Germany, April 2003.
- Exhibition: “A House for Durer”, Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania, Sibiu Romania, Nov-Jan 2002-2003.
- PRODESIGN, The Best of 2001 Interior Architecture, Auckland, New Zealand, February/March (2002), pg2.
- PRODESIGN, Design Education 2002, Auckland New Zealand, August/September (2001),pg 68.
- Art and Design Education Resource Guide 2002, Victoria University of Wellington.Exhibition of design work, final year thesis “Borderline Space” at “End of Year Exhibition” Victoria University School of Architecture and Design, Wellington, NZ, 2001.
"Most Innovative Award" “Annual Extravaganza Exhibition", Hutt Art Centre 9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, awarded 8th August 2023.
University Research Fund Grant, New Researcher; “She Wolves from Tiber to Hudson”, Victoria University of Wellington, 2008.
PGSA The Victoria Award, Best Tutor in Faculty of Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington, 2004.
Postgraduate Faculty Research Grant, Victoria University of Wellington, awarded June 2004.
Postgraduate Tuition Scholarship, Victoria University of Wellington, 2002-3.
PGSA The Victoria Award, Most Promising Undergraduate, Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington, 2001.
Most Outstanding 4th Year Interior Architecture Project, Victoria University of Wellington, 2001.
University Research Fund Grant, New Researcher; “She Wolves from Tiber to Hudson”, Victoria University of Wellington, 2008.
PGSA The Victoria Award, Best Tutor in Faculty of Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington, 2004.
Postgraduate Faculty Research Grant, Victoria University of Wellington, awarded June 2004.
Postgraduate Tuition Scholarship, Victoria University of Wellington, 2002-3.
PGSA The Victoria Award, Most Promising Undergraduate, Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington, 2001.
Most Outstanding 4th Year Interior Architecture Project, Victoria University of Wellington, 2001.